A modern RCM company needs to offer QPP support … enter MIPS Measure Assurance Services
What is MIPS?
In 2017, the Merit Based Incentive Payment Program (MIPS) under the Quality Payment Program (QPP), through its many faceted performance categories and associated metrics, began to determine provider payment adjustments, either positive or negative, to the basic Medicare fee schedule two years following the reporting year. As private insurance companies follow Medicare’s lead relative to QPP adoption, these new mandates will not only impact your bottom line, but may also affect the overall rating of your practice.
How HAP’s MIPS Measure Assurance Services Can Help Your Practice
The healthcare reimbursement environment is changing, and so are the needs of your practice. HAP is redefining what it means to be a comprehensive revenue cycle management partner.
We are continually evolving our solution set, beyond the scope of normal billing operations, in order to meet the needs of our radiology clients in today’s dynamic healthcare economy. HAP’s team of revenue cycle experts designed MIPS Measure Assurance Services (MAS) to be current with the latest mandates and comprehensive in both the type and depth of support available to our clients. Components of the services include:
- HAP’s proprietary analytics and Provider Quality Report CardTM, an industry-first tool that empowers practices to easily assess program performance in-progress, take corrective action
as-needed, and eliminate year-end surprises;
- HAP’s Qualified Data Registry that enables a standard methodology for MIPS Quality reporting to CMS, both at the group and individual level, and ensures providers can be fully supported by our services;
- A customized Practice Profile that evaluates key metrics in order to help determine the true impact of MIPS on the practice and build a foundation for maximized program performance based on current and changing requirements;
- Education and customized support delivered by HAP’s team of proven QPP experts to help physician practices understand the program requirements, including the incentives and penalties involved as well as the requirements necessary to optimize your performance from both a quality, reputational, and financial perspective.
Are You Ready for Better MIPS Support?
Healthcare Administrative Partners is setting the new standard in revenue cycle management. We provide the skills, expertise, and tools needed to maximize your compliance program.
The QPP has broad financial, reputational, and compliance impacts on providers across practice specialties. Proving value across the entire spectrum of patient care is a critical mandate for success in the modern healthcare economy. Survival requires innovation and an integrated, partner-centric approach never before seen in the RCM industry.
If your current RCM outsourcing vendor is not adequately equipping you for MIPS success, or you have doubts about your ability to handle participation internally, contact us to learn more. MIPS Measure Assurance Services is only available to our RCM clients.
Learn More About MIPS
Subscribe to our blog. HAP’s team of radiology RCM and MIPS experts publishes new articles each month to help you overcome the challenges of modern healthcare.
MIPS-related blog posts include:
How Can Your Radiology Practice Maximize Its MIPS Score?
2018 Budget Bill Makes Changes to MIPS
How Important Is The MIPS Cost Category to Radiology Practices?
MIPS Rules Changes For 2018: What Radiology Practices Need To Know